
New Book Published: Lose Weight and Keep It Off!

I’m excited to announce the first of several patient resources.

This book is titled, “Lose Weight and Keep it Off! A Clinical Evidence Based Approach for Successful Weight Management

Currently, the easiest way to get it is to buy it through Amazon (paperback/e-book), but you can also find the e-book version at Barnes&Noble (paperback/e-book)and Kobo (ebook).

I expect it to soon be found in libraries both in print and online soon as well!

DPC cuts middle men out of healthcare

Today, in the Wall Street Journal, there is a great piece describing the outstanding and unbelievable value of using a direct primary care (DPC) office for your primary care needs!

From the write-up:

“Costs are low and transparent. The monthly fee, whether paid by employer or individual, is predictable and easy to budget. Patients still need high-deductible insurance or cost-sharing pools to cover nonroutine procedures and care. But complementing a direct primary care plan with one of those two options is still the cheapest coverage.”

If you live in or around Orlando, consider Anchor Direct Primary Care for your health care needs.

Together with a high deductible health plan, DPC provides a complete medical coverage package at the best value available!

Anchor DPC is just a better way of doing health!

Health insurance headaches are chasing primary care doctors out of medicine!

Health insurance headaches are chasing primary care doctors out of medicine!

Health insurance is not just a headache for patients … but also for those who provide medical care.

90% of doctors think insurance plans have resulted in worsening conditions for their patients.

This frustration, built steadily from witnessing patients struggle, and compounded by the constant struggle physicians go through with increased administrative burden have led 48% of practicing physicians to consider a career change! This is astounding.

Doctors blame insurers for:

  • Worsening of conditions due to red-tape
  • Prolonged patient pain due to delays
  • Delays in necessary care due to the prior authorization process
  • Filling up valuable time of the doctors they could be using to care for others
  • Increased medical costs as 77% of offices have had to hire additional personnel to manage the increased administrative burden

There is a better way!

Direct Primary Care realigns healthcare incentives in favor of quality patient care and reduced administrative burden.

For patients who participate in a DPC practice, their insurance is used to cover unexpected high cost items such as inpatient stays or surgery.

From the patient perspective, they get time with their doctors in lengthened appointments scheduled as early as the same or next day.

For doctors, much of the insurance headache is resolved as they just do not bill insurance companies. Some minor headaches remain, but much of what makes physicians want to consider changing careers is resolved.

Happier doctors, who enjoy what they do, and are glad they are doing what they do, will translate to better health for you as a patient.

Finances Affect Health

Finances have an impact on your health.

This headline, “1 in 5 millennials with debt expect to die without ever paying it off,” implies we, as a society, are behaving in ways that are irresponsible.

Finances affect health in a direct manner in the access to care. The more people can afford, the better their access to care.

Finances, when in disarray, are distracting. This leads to anxiety, stress, and worry. These, in turn, increase the stress hormone cortisol and can lead to weight gain and obesity, as well as all of their sequelae (more cancers, cardiovascular disease, increased morbidity and mortality).

The anxiety can lead to substance abuse in the form of alcoholism and prescription medications.

The increased stress over finances can lead to digestive issues, headaches/migraines, depression, and muscle pains/low back pain.

Financial well being is about feeling as though you can make ends meet without being constantly stressed.

Take an active role in your personal finances today:

  • Figure out a budget
  • Figure out what money is coming in and where it is going out to
  • Study from an expert

This idea is vitally important for your financial well being and your personal health!

West Virginia as a Health Care Canary – Let’s change our health care direction!

Health care in West Virginia suggests where we are going in regards to health care. Let’s change course!

Here is an interesting article describing a concerning future of US healthcare. Using West Virginia as an indicator of things to come, it provides a sobering thought on why we each desperately need good primary care physicians.

  • Doctors who will compassionately tell you the truth, even when it is tough to hear.
  • Doctors who you can reach out to.
  • Doctors who you can get an appointment with today or tomorrow without much trouble.
  • Doctors who are free to place the patient first unencumbered by outside distractions.

I think Direct Primary Care (DPC) enables for this type of primary care system. DPC doctors know their patients, provide outstanding continuity of care, practice evidence based medicine, have time with their patients during non-rushed appointments, and can be reached easily through phone calls, texts, and email.

From the article:

The drug overdose death rate for all Americans today is where West Virginia’s rate was 10 years ago. The nation’s suicide rate is where West Virginia’s was nearly 20 years ago.

Obesity was common in West Virginia before it became widespread in the rest of the country. And life expectancy started tumbling in the Mountain State before it began falling across the U.S.

Let’s reverse the direction our nation’s health is going, choose a good primary care doctor. I suggest, choose a DPC like Anchor Direct Primary Care.